Page 9 - CMAAP Final (1)
P. 9


             To identify available open space opportunities, and increase the protection of ecologically
                               important lands and access to outdoor areas throughout the Municipality.

              Requirements for open space within the Municipality have changed. Certain communities
               may have once required sportsfields and playgrounds to serve younger populations now
                 require a different array of facilities, e.g. trails and parks. The inverse is also prevalent
                     in other communities – a shift from older to younger populations. There is growing
                        importance on maintaining open space for carbon sequestration and increasing
              awareness of the need to identify and protect sensitive habitats and areas of cultural and
                                                                                       historic significance.

                 This Action Area plays a key role in future development throughout the Municipality by
               acquiring, protecting, and maintaining sensitive spaces and when appropriate improving
                                                                                             public access.

                                                                                     Open Space Planning
               Currently, the Municipality acquires lands via deeds provided by developers through the
             Subdivision By-law or by donation. To date, the Municipal Open Space Financial Reserve
                 is mostly funded through payments made by developers in lieu of the deeding of land.

              The Municipality will undertake a land inventory and categorization of Municipal holdings
               that will lead to changes in the Subdivision By-law. This work will further be instrumental
                 in the updating of policies governing the Municipality’s Open Space Financial Reserve

              All projects listed in this plan are in congruence with one or more of the following Key Strategic Priorities outlined in the
                                                   Municipality's Strategic Plan:
            Good Governance  |  Environmental Stewardship  |  Economic Development  |  Strong Communities  |  Financial Sustainability

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