Page 5 - CMAAP Final (1)
P. 5

I M P L E M E N T A T I O N                            M A K I N G   A

                          F R A M E W O R K                         C U L T U R E   S H I F T

                          The framework comprises two               Achieving a more efficient and

                components – the Prioritization Matrix              environmentally conscious way of
                              and the Project Timeline.             conducting business is more than just
                                                                    identifying potential projects – there
              The Prioritization Matrix provides a list of          has to be a deliberate shift in how the
             considerations that can be applied to each             Municipality considers climate change
                 project identified within this document.           relative to every aspect of the
                The intent is to help staff and Municipal           organization. Three initial actions in

                  Council identify which projects should            creating the cultural shift include the
              receive priority, while recognizing that all          formation of a Municipal Green Team,
               projects are important to the overall goal           the revamping of templates used by
                       of reducing GHG emissions while              staff in preparing recommendations for
             promoting a healthier environment to live,             consideration of Municipal Council, and
                                    learn, work and play.           the inclusion of direct line items within
                                                                    Municipal budgets targeting
                The Project Timeline outlines the steps             investments in climate-conscious
                    required from concept development               infrastructure.
                             through to construction and

                    commissioning. This approach also
              identifies the “critical path” elements that
                         could influence the accuracy of
               implementation goals. The timeline also
              includes stretch targets that are intended
                          to exert effort and attain better
              performance. Regular reporting will occur
                    with the intent of identifying delays,

              obstacles, and alternative approaches to
                                  project implementation.

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