Celebrating Volunteers in the Municipality
The Municipality of the County of Kings proudly supports volunteers who enrich our communities. To honour their contributions, we host an annual event recognizing nominated individuals.
We invite you to nominate a deserving volunteer in your community from any area, including recreation, community events, fundraising, schools, health, church or social service, boards or committee members or many others.
Nominations will be accepted from March 10, 2025, to April 7, 2025.
During National Volunteer Week, April 27-May 4, 2025, all nominees will be featured on the Municipality’s website and social media platforms.
All nominees will be invited to attend the in-person awards event to be held in the fall, where they will be honoured, and the winners of each award category will be announced.
Award Categories:
Youth Volunteer of the Year Award
The Youth Volunteer of the Year Award honours one youth’s contributions and dedication to their community through community service.
The award is opened to all youth between the ages of 13- 24 inclusive.
Volunteer of the Year Award
The Volunteer of the Year Award honours one individual’s contributions and dedication to their community through community service.
From all nominations received the selection committee will choose one individual to receive the
Ted Meldrum Award
Ted Meldrum, a former employee of the Municipality, was an active volunteer – particularly in the field of recreation. In memory of Ted Meldrum, this award honours one individual who demonstrates an enthusiasm for community through volunteerism.
Nominate a deserving volunteer from your area today!
*Please note all nominees will be contacted to confirm their acceptance of the nomination and to provide authorization to publicly use name, photo, and information.
Provincial Volunteer Awards
Annually the Province of Nova Scotia hosts an awards celebration bringing together volunteers from all regions.
Provincial Award Categories can be viewed at, novascotia.ca/nonprofitsector/provincialvolunteerawards
Please note, the recipient of the Municipality of the County of Kings Volunteer of the Year Award will be invited to attend the Annual Provincial Volunteer Awards as the Municipality’s representative to receive the provincial award. This individual will travel to the Awards Ceremony to receive the provincial award on behalf of all volunteers in Kings County. Expenses for the trip to this awards celebration will be provided by the Municipality.
Volunteer Resources
Kings County Volunteer Resource Centre:
The Kings County Volunteer Resource Centre offers many supports to volunteers including workshops and an annual symposium.
For more information visit: www.kingsvolunteerresourcecentre.ca
Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS)
Located in Mi’kma’ki, Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) connects, supports, and advocates for Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector. Celebrating 10 years of promoting a healthy, sustainable sector, IONS (formerly the Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia) is one of 14 Industry Sector Councils funded by the Nova Scotia Government Department of Labour, Skills, and Immigration (LSI). In service of the Community Impact Sector, IONS’ role is to address sector workforce challenges, to build capacity within organizations, and to increase access to expertise, opportunities, and resources. IONS provides skill building and learning opportunities, network connections, and support for impact organizations.
For more information visit: www.ions.ca
Volunteer NS
Volunteer NS is a province-wide service that connects people looking for volunteer opportunities to non-profit organizations looking for skilled volunteers. For more information visit: www.volunteerns.ca