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EN V I R O N M EN T A L S T E WA R D S H I P                                                                                    E C ONO M I C  D E V E L O P M E N T

                                       Integrate climate and sustainability                                                                               Undertake or facilitate sustainable development

                               considerations into our decision-making process-                                                                               and promotional opportunities benefi cial
                              es. Make signifi cant investments in municipal and                                                                                     to our economy and community.

                                     community-based initiatives. Increase
                                      advocacy for environmental protection.
                                                                                                                                                                        STR ATE G I C  F O C U S

                                                                                                                                                          Industrial and Manufacturing Park Development
                                             STR AT E G I C  F O C U S                                                                                                   Attraction and Promotion

                                    Community Based Environmental Projects                                                                                           Development of Growth Centres
                                                  Solar Power Projects

                                                  Wind Power Projects
                                               Environmental Advocacy

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