Kings 2050
Kings 2050 aims to guide the long-term sustainable development of Kings County so that future generations can enjoy a quality of life that is equal or better than today.
What should Kings County look like in the year 2050? The Kings 2050 initiative intends to answer that important question by developing a long-term vision for the region and improving Municipal regulations to better achieve our long-term goals.
In order to plan for the future, Kings 2050 is taking both a comprehensive and collaborative approach. It is comprehensive because the project covers several overlapping themes, including infrastructure, climate change, and urban planning. Kings 2050 is also uniquely collaborative because the initiative is facilitating cooperation between the Municipality and neighbouring Towns and Villages, as well as Provincial Departments and other regional stakeholders.
Regional Planning
Kings 2050 is first and foremost an effort to look beyond political boundaries to develop a vision for the whole of Kings County and to plan for opportunities and challenges that are not constrained by lines on a map. The results are the "Kings 2050 Vision" document (see below), a regional Municipal Climate Change Action Plan, and further steps towards collaboration among the four municipalities in Kings County.
Background Reports
Before we can plan for the future we need to know where we came from and where we are today. Throughout Phase 1 and into Phase 2 of the Kings 2050 initiative, the project team worked diligently to research and build this necessary foundation. The background reports available below provide the Kings County context and identify challenges and opportunities in this region as we look towards the year 2050.
Municipal Planning Strategy – Draft for Public Consultation, 2014
This draft was released in 2014 as a means to inform public consultation. The latest draft of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law can be found
2016 Draft Planning Documents
Large-Scale Wind Turbines
In June of 2011 Council for the Municipality of the County of Kings adopted regulations for large-scale wind turbines. Highlights of those regulations included as-of-right permitting and a 2300ft (700m) minimum separation distance between turbines and neighbouring dwellings.
Council committed to reviewing these regulations in January of 2012. This process involved two open houses, numerous presentations at Council meetings, a detailed consultant’s report on the potential health and safety impacts of large-scale wind turbines, and a public questionnaire completed by almost 500 Kings County residents. Reports from throughout the process can be found in the "Documents" section, below.
Council has now passed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw that indicate Council wishes to further investigate the issues, and in the meantime not permit large-scale wind turbines anywhere in the Municipality. The full text of these amendments can be found in the Second Reading
Report in the "Documents" section. These amendments will go into effect once an advertisement giving notification of the changes has been published in a local newspaper. This advertisement is currently scheduled to be published in the Kings County Register on August 30th, 2012.
Current Regulations
Visuals (Maps, posters and presentations)
Project Reports