Fire protection for the Municipality is provided by a completely volunteer force and comprises of 13 separate departments. These departments respond to a variety of calls from fires to vehicle accidents, medical assistance, as well as hazardous materials responses and any other emergency they may be called upon to deal with.
The following fire departments are part of our mutual aid agreement.
Mutual aid service providers not funded by MOK.
Kings County Regional Emergency Management Organization
Fire Inspections Under the Nova Scotia Fire Safety Act, 19(1) A municipality shall establish a system of fire-safety inspections of land and premises situate within its jurisdiction, as required by the regulations, to provide for compliance with this Act, the regulations and the Fire Code.
We inspect all assembly uses such as Churches, community halls, arenas, restaurants every 3 years as well as all other commercial, industrial & residential apartments of 4 units and over.
To book an inspection or inquire about one email or call 902-690-6157.
Outdoor Burning Restrictions For all Domestic Burning and Campfires within the County of Kings refer to the Burn Restrictions Map prepared by the NS Dep’t of Natural Resources. This map is updated daily at 2:00 PM to indicate the time burning restrictions applicable for that day.
Also, please review the Municipal By-Law for the conditions under which domestic open burning may take place.