African Heritage Month

Across Canada, Black History Month has been celebrated each year in February since 1950. The month was originally chosen in the United States because of the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, who played a large role in the emancipation of enslaved Blacks. Although Abraham Lincoln contributed to the abolition movement in the United States, it is important to note his legacy is a controversial one rooted in certain prejudices that were common in his time and, unfortunately, remain so.

In 2008, the Canadian Senate officially declared February as Black History Month across the country, but in Nova Scotia, Black History Month was renamed in 1996 and is now recognized as African Heritage Month.

The Department of African Nova Scotian Affairs (ANSA) held the inaugural reading of the African Heritage Month Proclamation in 2004 at Province House. Since then, ANSA has been working to spread awareness throughout the province, partnering with organizations around the province to form an African Heritage Month Information Network. This network has members from each region and collaborates to develop a theme and promote African Heritage Month events and municipal proclamations. The network also produces an educational poster for the month.

African Heritage Month serves as a time to celebrate the contributions made by those of African descent. In Nova Scotia, we have over 400 years of heritage and contributions. Nova Scotia is home to a very rich African Heritage. This year, the municipality hosted the 5th Annual Proclamation Event. This event served as a chance to bring community together and highlight the young leaders of African descent and celebrate the local contributions of people of African descent.

2025 Theme: Legacy in Action: Celebrating Black Brilliance

Highlighting the living legacy of Black Nova Scotians, honouring the impact and perseverance of the long-standing community. It highlights the greatness that we hold, the paths we lead through our deep connection with out elders, storytelling, the rhythms of change, and the ability to look back to move forward.

2025 Proclamation Event:

In Council Chambers (181 Coldbrook Village Park Drive, Coldbrook NS) on February 6th from 6-7:30PM

Other events around the province can be found at:

Local African Heritage

Located within the Municipality of the County of Kings are two historical Black communities: Gibson Woods, and Pine Woods. Both communities are located West of Canning and North of Kentville. These two communities were once connected via by a small bridge named Gentleman’s Bridge that was demolished by 1960.

Pine Woods, now called Aldershot, was founded by sisters Dinah Powell and Chloe Lanzey. Lanzy Road in Aldershot (albeit misspelled) is named after community co-founder, Chloe. Some family names that may be recognizable coming from this community are Jones, Beare, Lanzey, Smith, Bell, Powell, and Higgins.

Gibson Woods located was named after George Gibson. George, a Black Loyalist, purchased the forty acres of land for forty pounds in 1804. After George’s death, the land of Gibson Woods was divided among his five children. Notable names from this community include Gibson, Browning, Clements, and States.

International Decade for People of African Descent

2024 marked the final year of the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent (DPAD), which started in 2015 and will continue until 2024. The purpose of this decade is to strengthen global cooperation in support of people of African Descent as well as increase the awareness and the passage towards presence in all aspects of society.

On January 30, 2018, the Prime Minister officially endorsed the Decade for People and on February 7, 2024, it was announced that it will be extended federally until 2028.

More information on the International Decade for People of African Decent can be found here.

For more information on the work of the Municipality of the County of Kings and events taking place throughout African Heritage Month, contact the Municipality's Diversity Specialists, Lucy Ofori at or Graysen Parker at