Presenting to Committee of the Whole
Guidelines to Presentations to Committee of the Whole
Date and Time:
Committee of the Whole takes place on the third Tuesday of every month. Presentations are scheduled based on how many requests have been received and whether any are time-sensitive.
Meetings start at 9:00 a.m and presentations are normally scheduled between 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Please note the scheduled times may vary. If you wish to lock in the time of your presentation (e.g., in case you expect people to be in attendance at the scheduled time to hear the presentation), please specify this at the time of booking.
Presenters have 10 minutes to present and 10 minutes for questioning from Councillors.
Please keep presentations to a maximum of 10 minutes unless otherwise approved.
Presenters Must Submit A Brief Summary:
- Please complete the form located in the Documents section of this page and return to the contact person listed on the form.
- The summary must include information on the organization being represented, a summary of what will be discussed, and information on any requests.
- The summary must be received at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Presentations are scheduled based on how many requests have been received and whether any are time-sensitive. If the summary is not received, presenters cannot be scheduled on the agenda.
If Presenters Have Electronic Aids (Power Point etc.):
- The electronic presentation must be e-mailed to the contact person below no later than 4:30pm on the Friday before the scheduled presentation.
- Presentations on flash drives and CDs cannot be used.
- Once submitted, last minute changes to the presentation cannot be made without sufficient notice.