Diversity Kings County
In February of 2008, the Council of the Municipality of the County Of Kings formally approved a Declaration to join the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities against Racism which is part of a larger initiative started by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Diversity Kings County (formerly the Race Relations and Anti-Discrimination Committee) is comprised of a minimum of six and maximum of thirteen members including:
- Two Municipal Councillors
- Two Municipal Staff
- Three Town Councillors: one each from the towns of Berwick, Kentville, and, Wolfville
- Three to six citizens who reside in the Municipality of the County of Kings outside of the three towns.
Diversity Kings County may also include non-voting advisory members who represent key partner organizations and/or who bring expertise in relevant areas.
Diversity Kings County functions to engaged the community and formulate action plans to address issues concerning social marginalization, equity, racism, and discrimination within the County. Diversity Kings County also examines issues and barriers in creating a community that is inclusive and welcoming to all.
Vision: We envision the Municipality of the County of Kings as a recognized leader in establishing and implementing policies, programs, and practices to eliminate racism, discrimination, and exclusion.
Mission: To determine where and how racism, discrimination and exclusion are manifest in the Municipality of the County of Kings. To recommend policies, programs and practices designed to eliminate racism, discrimination and exclusion, to monitor the effects of recommendations and to report on changes.