Accessibility in Kings County

To facilitate participation in events/meetings, we are happy to provide additional services and supports, for example documents in alternative formats, ASL/ English interpretation, etc. Please submit your request at the below link or the Accessibility Coordinator with any questions or for support to make your request.

The Municipality will make every effort to fulfil accommodations requests, however, due to scheduling of service providers, we cannot guarantee accommodations requests.

Our Joint Accessibility Plan Update 2025-2028

In the winter of 2025 the Municipality of the County of Kings and the Villages of Aylesford, Canning, Cornwallis Square, Greenwood, Kingston, New Minas and Port Williams approved the update to their Our Joint Accessibility Plan.

In December 2023 the Accessibility Coordinator and the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC) began the process of planning for the Accessibility Plan update including a work plan and community consultation plan. Community consultation began in June of 2024 and included a survey on the current and future state of accessibility in Kings County and attending community events to discuss accessibility and provide opportunities for additional feedback.

As a result of the feedback, Our Joint Accessibility Plan Update 2025-2028 was drafted, and additional feedback was sought from persons with disabilities and organizations that work with persons with disabilities. Our Joint Accessibility Plan Update 2025-2028 includes progress made over the past three years, updated goals and actions the organizations will take over the next three years and how those actions will be measured.

What is the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act?

  • The Act defines a disability as a physical, mental, intellectual, learning or sensory impairment, including an episodic disability that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders an individual’s full and effective participation in society.
  • The Accessibility Act and the Municipality and the Villages recognize accessibility as a human right, and have set a goal to make Nova Scotia and the Kings Region accessible to all before 2030 by preventing and removing barriers that restrict people from fully participating in society.

Who is on the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)?
The Committee consists of sixteen (16) voting members and includes:

  • One (1) member of Municipal Council, who is also a member of the Kings Transit Authority Board of Directors, and one member from each of the seven (7) Village Commissions; and
  • Eight (8) members of the public who either live with disabilities, or who work or volunteer with organizations that work with people living with disabilities.

Following are links to more information about the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act and the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee:

Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate

Inter-municipal Service Agreement between the Municipality of the County of Kings and the Villages to form a Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee

For accessibility comments, questions or feedback email:

Everyday Accessibility

Click on the topics below to see brief articles on ways to implement accessibility into everyday work and life. Have a suggestion for an Everyday Accessibility topic? Email