Grants and Funding
Municipal Council has adopted a grant policy which receives amendments from time to time to ensure the process clearly describes eligibility, evaluation, and accountability criteria. Attached to the policy is a schedule that provides information and details for each of the grant programs offered as well as each application deadline. We encourage you to apply early and contact us with any questions.
Grant Policy and Policy Schedules
Program Name
2025/26 Application Deadline
Community Festivals and Special Events (CFSE)
Community Hall Assistance Program (CHAP) |
MAY 1 |
Park, Playground & Trail (PPT) |
Community Recreation Programming Assistance (CRPA) |
MAY 1 |
Graduation Event Assistance Program (GRAD) |
MAY 1 |
Councillor Grants to Organizations (CGTO) |
JUNE 1 |
Kings Vision Grant (VISION) |
Available grants programs & application forms:
Community Festivals and Special Events (CFSE) - 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS April 1
This grant provides assistance for organizations to build pride and celebrate communities by showcasing achievements, culture and heritage, or to commemorate milestone anniversaries, The Festival and Special Events Grants assists community organizations with the costs of festivals, fairs, or special events marking civic or national holidays, and other noteworthy events.
Community Hall Assistance (CHAP) - 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS May 1
To assist with capital repairs and renovations of halls, the Community Hall Assistance program contributes to the ongoing preservation of halls that are available for community use. Priority for funding is given to those projects that are directly related or attached to the hall structure and address structural safety and integrity.
*Additional funding may be available if capital projects are related to accessibility enhancements.
An operational assistance funding stream is also available for community halls to access each year.
Park, Playground, and Trail (PPT) - 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS April 1
This fund supports the maintenance of active living infrastructure and capital projects under $50,000.
These grants support communities through well-maintained public parks, playgrounds, trails, and assets to improve opportunities and promote active living. Funding is to support capital aspects of development and/or expansion, and maintenance, excluding the purchase of land for future development.
Community Recreation Programming Assistance (CRPA) - 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS May 1
This fund assists community organizations providing recreation programming, to individuals of any age within the County of Kings.
Programming costs, part-time staffing or program equipment are permitted expenses. Funds may also be directed at new or established programming, leadership, leisure activities, or group education. Tournaments, competitions, or regional events are not eligible for funding.
Graduation Event Assistance Program (GRAD) – 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS May 1
To celebrate the achievements of graduating students at each of the five (5) high schools located within the County by assisting with the costs of graduation events. Funds may be used toward events for graduates such as Safe Grad, Prom, Prom Parade, etc.
Councillor Grants to Organizations (GTO) - 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS June 1
Councillors may support requests from community organizations that are not otherwise eligible to receive funding from the Municipality through another grant program. Councillors allocate funds directly to organizations to provide modest support of community initiatives. Disbursement of these funds is solely at the discretion of individual Councillors but payments are issued to the recipient by the Municipality.
Kings Vision Grant (Vision) - 2025/26 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS April 1
This grant contributes to the Municipality’s vision of being a community of communities where all people belong.
This grant provides assistance for organizations undertaking projects that align with one of the five Key Strategic Priorities of the Municipality’s Strategic Plan:
- Strong Communities;
- Environmental Stewardship;
- Economic Development;
- Good Governance; and
- Financial Sustainability.
There is a minimum request amount of $25,000 to this program.
Accountability Reporting
Per the Community Grant policy, all funding recipients are required to submit a report on the use of municipal funds.
Recipients should refer to their original award letter for specific accountability requirements.
In general:
- Awards of $7,500 or less - Applicants are required to submit a summary of how the funds were used.
- Awards of more than $7,500 and less than $30,000 - Proof of actual expenses and payment is required.
- Awards between $30,000 and $50,000 - Proof of actual expenses and payment, internally approved financial statements, and proof of acceptance by the organization’s Board (financial statements signed by the Chair of the Board and one other member) is required.
- Awards for more than $50,000 will require proof of actual expenses and payment, and a review engagement
Receipt of this report will be a precondition for consideration of the organization’s future grant applications.
Other Funding & Grant Programs
Applications may be submitted by email, in person, or by mail to:
Municipality of the County of Kings
Attn: Community Grants
181 Coldbrook Village Park Drive
Coldbrook NS B4R 1B9